Farm, Forest & Garden program for children

We are offering various programs at our farmstead in Kingston, Stony Hollow Farm. Our signature program offered throughout the year is a full day farm, forest and garden program for children between ages 3 and 14 years old.

We start the day outdoors at our log circle, often around the fire in the colder months. Then, children move along with morning chores with our friendly farm animals. We have cows, mini horses, donkeys, sheep, milking goats, hens, roosters, ducks, rabbits, peacocks, turkeys, guineafowls, quails, and pigs. And of course, our friendly cats and dogs!

Children bottle feeding baby goats.jpg

Children tend to daily animal chores, milking goats, bottle feeding baby goats, collecting farm fresh eggs, homesteading projects, fiber arts, building projects, beekeeping and study, grooming different animals and of course lots of gardening!

Depending on the season, children plant seeds, tend to the growing plants, harvest and enjoy eating delicious fresh vegetables and fruits they grow in our garden.

We engage in a variety of homesteading activities ranging from preserving, fermenting, cheese making, soap making, bread making, and of course cooking.

We prepare various dishes using ingredients from the bounty of our garden. Children learn about composting, worm composting, soil pH, and the different things we add to the soil to make for a healthy, long growing season.

Our property is backed up by hundreds of acres of state land, The Bluestone Wild Forest, with beautiful trails where we take nature hikes together and explore the beauty and wonder of the natural world. 

The days are always full and fun, and as always we make sure the days flow naturally with the rhythm of the children!

QUESTIONS? Please check our FAQ page.


Enrollment Process

The enrollment process to Stony Hollow Farm programs consists of 4 steps:

  1. If you’ve never been to the farm, please send us a message with the “Enrollment” as a subject

  2. Call with Juliet Kingsley, Farm Director

  3. Confirmation of the availability

  4. Enrolling in a chosen program by filling up a registration form and submitting the payment (either via our website with a card payment, or via an online registration form and a Venmo/check/cash payment)

Ongoing and Upcoming Sessions:

Spring Farm Program (9-week full day program: 9am-3pm; Ages 3.5 and older)

  • Tuesdays, Apr 9 - Jun 4

  • Wednesdays, Apr 10 - Jun 5

  • Thursdays, Apr 11 - Jun 6

  • Fridays, Apr 12 - Jun 7

Saturdays on the Farm (Once a month, 10am-3pm; Ages 4 and older)

No commitmnt required. All Saturdays are individually planned farm days. Dates are subject to change, we will announce it from month to month.

  • Saturday, Apr 20 - Earth Day!

  • Saturday, May 25

Spring Break Mini Session (4-day program: 9am-3pm; Ages 3.5 and older)

  • Tuesday to Friday, Apr 23-26

  • Part of our ongoing program. Space is very limited for this session. 

Our Summer Program: June 17 - Aug 23. Read more here.


7-week Winter sessions: one day per week throughout the session: $600

4-day Spring Break mini session: $360

9-week Spring session: one day per week throughout the session: $765

Saturdays on the Farm: $85/day

Our daily activities at the farm

Collecting farm fresh eggs

Collecting farm fresh eggs

Building, constructing, creating

Building, constructing, creating

Snuggles with farm animals

Snuggling with farm animals

Beekeeping, learning about bees, tasting honey combs

Beekeeping, learning about bees

Feeding animals

Feeding animals

Bottle-feeding baby goats

Bottle-feeding baby goats



Beeswax projects

Beeswax projects

Grooming animals

Grooming animals





Needle felting with wool from our sheep or rabbit fur

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”

— Fred Rogers

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When does the program run?

    The program runs throughout the year and is divided into several sessions. We typically have 6 to 8-week long sessions that run in spring, summer, fall and winter. On a weekly basis, our program runs from Tueday to Friday, from 9am to 3pm (with an exception of summer when we are open Monday to Friday). Children can attend one day per week or more.

  2. How much is a session?

    An 7-week session of 1 day per week (for example every Tuesday for 7 weeks) is currently $600.

    All Summer 1-week long sessions offer sliding scale pricing from $450 to $580 / week.

  3. What is the age range and are all children together?

    At our program, we cater to a diverse range of age: from 3.5/4 years old up to 14 years old, fostering a nurturing environment where children can thrive and grow. The starting age is based on readiness.

    Children participate in activities together as we've observed a magical symbiosis when different age groups come together. The older children love caring for the younger ones, while the younger ones absorb knowledge and inspiration from their older friends. This interaction creates a harmonious and enriching experience for all. We recognize the importance of respecting the unique needs and rhythms of each age group. That's why we also provide separate time for age-specific activities, ensuring that every child gets the attention and opportunities they deserve.

  4. How about summer?

    Summer sessions are organized a bit differently. We have seven 1-week long sessions (Monday thorughout Friday, 9am-3pm). Children can attend 1 or more sessions. There is also an option to continue with our regular yearly schedule for children already enrolled in our programs, which means that a child could attend same day every week through the duration of the entire summer (subject to availability). All weekly sessions offer sliding scale pricing from $450 to $580 / week.

  5. Is there a yearly commitment?

    We run our program in 6 to 8-week sessions, so that families get to adapt to their lifestyles and pay by session. There is no year long commitment. However, we do ask for a full session commitment and make-up days are available for any missed days.

  6. What is the annual schedule?

    We plan our sessions 1 to 2 seasons ahead. You can check our ‘Enroll’ sections to see the exact dates of the upcoming sessions. Here is however an example of our annual schedule:

    Fall session: from the 2nd week of September - till the 2nd week of December

    Winter Solstice Special Program: 3rd week of December

    Winter session: from the 1st week of January - till the end of March. We also offer 4-day Winter Break mini session during that time.

    In March or April, there is a special 4-day Spring Break mini session

    Spring Session: from April - till the beginning of June

    Summer Sessions: from the end of June - till the 3rd week of August

  7. Do you offer trial days or farm tours?

    Unfortunately, we are unable to offer free trial days or farm tours. If you are uncertain for the program to be the right fit, please talk with Miss Juliet, the farm program director and owner of the Stony Hollow Farm.

    There is a possibility to attend a paid full day farm program though. We call it a “drop-in” day. Space is limited, however if planned in advance with Miss Juliet, we will surely find space for your child/ren to experience our program. It is a full day 9am to 3pm. It’s a drop-off so we ask parents not to stay at the farm, however you are welcome to stay for the first half an hour as well as come 10-15 minutes before the pick up time. The cost of such a day is $100.

    The best time to see if the program is the right fit might be the 1-week long session during summer or during our winter or spring break mini sessions.

  8. How to enroll into a program?

    The enrollment process to Stony Hollow Farm programs consists of 4 steps:

    1. Send us a message with the “Enrollment” as a subject via our Contact page

    2. Call with Juliet Kingsley, Farm Director

    3. Confirmation of the availability and fit for the program

    4. Enrolling in a chosen program by filling up a registration form and submitting the payment (either via website with a card payment, or via an online registration form and a Venmo/check/cash payment)